Thursday, March 28, 2013

From The Heart

Wuz up my peeps! Me? Jus chillen man, you know.
How's the week so far for all of ya'll? I hope it's all good cuz. LOL okay enough, enough. Seriously though I do hope all of you have had a great week thus far and I pray it continues to be a great week for you.
I just want to give a quick shout out to you, yes you. To all my followers. You guys are great. Thank you for keeping me sane. On those days that I feel like I have no one to talk to, I get on here and realize that I'm not alone and I'm not the only one facing things, or the only one who just wants to be silly sometimes. So thank you for that.
I'm a bit light hearted today. Why you ask? Well I can tell you that it's not because my finances are just amazing, or that money is pouring in from every side, because it's not. It's not because everything is just perfect in my life, because my life is far from perfect. It's because I have a reason to be happy, I have Jesus on my side, in my heart, and guiding my footsteps. Though sometimes I feel like he leads me in dark places, through valleys and, caves, he always  brings me out the other side. He's never left me. Trials are but for a season. The tests we go through are for a reason. God is an all knowing, all powerful, compassionate, loving God. I will not understand his ways, but I'm not supposed to. I'm simply supposed to follow and let him lead.
My husband and I have talked before about how it would be to have been born back in the 1800's. We both think we could've made great western survivors and farmers. However, I was born in 1984, on the 23rd of August. I was born on that day for a reason. I am here at this specific time for a purpose and I want to do exactly what God has put me on this earth to do. We've got to get to a place where it's no longer about us. It's not about me. Thats hard to do when we live in an all about me world, but I'm asking God to help me put myself aside. Is there someone I can talk to? Is there someone that's hurting who could use some help or prayer? As I sat in church last night, and a wonderful service we had, I was thinking about how I, me personally, have lost the compassion for people. I know that I am not the only one. Everywhere we turn there is someone with a problem, someone in pain, and we have gotten so numb to it all that we can't even feel compassion for these people any longer.
God doesn't want indifference from me. My problems need to be left in God's hands so that I can focus on others. I have a tendency to worry about myself and my situation...a lot. Like a ridiculous amount. Faith is letting God take my problems, because he said to cast all our cares on him, and knowing that he won't fail me, THEN opening my heart to another's hurt and pain. My prayer today is that I have more compassion. Lord break my heart for what breaks yours. For if I am not caring for your people, then what good am I?
I thought I was going to do my usual Thursday link-up, even had it in the title, but I don't think I will. I'm not sure where all that came from, other than straight from my heart. I didn't have any intention of writing all of that today, but mabey someone else needs to hear this. I love you all. I hope you have a great day and that you let God use you. If you don't know the Lord, I pray you get to know him, and let him into your heart and life. It will be the best decision you will ever make.
Happy Thursday

Monday, March 25, 2013

Volleyball & 5 for Five

Wow the weekend flew by! I wish it would've lasted longer, but it was still a good weekend. My parents, sister, & BIL came over Saturday evening and stayed the night. We all piled up at church Sunday morning then came back to the house for a big lunch. After that some took naps and others went outside for a fun, friendly game of volley ball.
I have always loved volley ball. I guess it goes back to my childhood and all the memories of volley ball tournaments that were held by our family and friends during our annual Hog Killing. Yes, you heard me right, I said Hog Killing. It was held annually at my grandparents place usually in February. Hogs would be purchased the week before. Invitations were by word of mouth from family to friends and so on. The day would start around 3am to 3:30am for the men and us super excited children. We would be up at my Papaw's big barn/shop where coffee would have already been made, hot chocolate sat out for us kids. Lights were burning in the barn & outside it lighting up the pre-dawn morning. We would watch as the men killed the hogs, dropped them in a huge vat of boiling water that had a fire built under it, then they would be skinned and butchered. I know those of you who aren't from the south, and some of you who are, are probably cringing right now, but as a kid this day was second only to Christmas.
Family would pour in the night before from Georgia and South Florida. Those previously killed hogs would supply sausage and ham for breakfast, the huge thighs would be cooking all day over a large homemade grill to be eaten at lunch and dinner. Games would ensue during the day. Kick ball, volley ball, horseshoes and whatever else the kids and adults felt like doing. The volley ball tournaments kicked off sometime before lunch. After each game the teams would switch court sides. Breaks would be taken for lunch, coffee, soda's or whatever, then eventually we would all find ourselves right back in my Papaw & Memaw's back yard. The day was filled with a hundred or two of our closes friends and family, lots of food, laughter, and fun. As a kid I loved it and my family being who they were, were really patient with us younger ones learning how to play this special game of volley ball.
The annual hog killing days have come to a close. I think the last one we had was probably about ten years ago, but I was reminded of all that fun yesterday as my kids, parents, hubby, brother-in-law, and I got out in our yard and played volley ball. Instruction was given to my children and even my little tater was able to get up really really close to the net and try to serve the ball over. My love of volley ball comes from my deep love of my family, and the time spent with my family, and my past. Cherish every second you have with your family, because time flies by so fast. Before long you are looking back on all those memories instead of living them. Be sure to take each one in as they come so that you can remember and smile like I am doing this morning.


Now last week I set some goals for myself, lets see how it all went shall we?
Last Week's Goals
1.Create brochures for the Power Up Rally
Wow second week in a row that I haven't even been able to look at the brochure layout
2.Drink more water this week.
This is half and half, I drank some, but nowhere near enough
3.Wash all the kids clothes, fold them, and put them up
Success! I actually did this! Yay for me!
4.Try again to clean off the back porch
Haha funny...I didn't even get to thin about it last week...again
5.Pick up dresser and wardrobe that was given to me
Again with the failure...gah
I guess 1 1/2 completion isn't too bad right? You can lie to me...its okay, today only haha.
This Week's Goals
1. Don't laugh, but I am going to get those brochures started, I PROMISE!
2. Take the kids to do something fun on their spring break
3. Try to go walking/jogging at least twice this week
4. Make those knitted coasters I've been thinking about doing for a while
5. Drop those clothes that's been riding in my car for a few weeks new at the dry cleaners
What are your goals for the week? Do you have a favorite childhood memory?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hey, Its OK...Jack

Hey...Jack. Today is Thursday. Thursday all day long.
I'm glad it's Thursday. For the most part I like Thursdays. For the most part lol. Don't get me wrong I would loved to have slept in this morning seeing as I couldn't get to sleep until around 1am. However, that alarm went off at 6:15 and though I didn't want to, I got up.
I have to admit I did slack a bit this morning (i.e. I didn't stick to my menu for breakfast & lunch). Don't judge me...if you'd have been in my kitche last night you would've understood. My son, the 6th grader, had a project due today. He had to make a 3-d replica of an animal cell and a plant cell. He decided he wanted it to be eatible so naturally my mind immediately goes to cake. With mine and Luke's combined efforts we made two cakes, one square and one round, and added all the trimmings. We used those sour extreme things, three different color icings, peanuts, jelly beans, sprinkles, marshmallows dyed green, round cut outs of red velvet cake inserted into the other cake, and sour skittles. I realized that my scientific vocabulary is seriously lacking, but I made up for it last night by learning works like golgi, rough endoplasmic reticulum, centrosome, and vacuole. There were alot more, but I'm going to spare you, be thankful. I wish now that I would've taken pictures of the finished product, but I didn't.
I am linking up now with Neely, which you all know I love doing. 
Its Ok Thursdays

Its Ok 

...To like copying Si Robertson so much that I add "hey, Jack" to just about every sentence

...That my DVR decided NOT to record Supernatural last night for no apparent reason, grrrr.

...To be running a little late in the mornings because you wanted to do something different with your makeup.

...That I can't pick a book to read, because I'm just not in the mood for anything specific.

...To realize that the reason for the above is probably because I'm waiting on the new J.R. Ward book
#loveratlast  #lessthanaweek

...To be obsessed with redecorating and paint colors right now

...To be stuck with just obsessing because I don't have the money to do a project at the moment

...That my hubby's truck is still broke down and still sitting in front of my office.

...To be completely sick of the music on my ipod.

...To not be able to delete music on said ipod, because I just can't choose. Help!

What's OK with you today?  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All Things Pinteresting

Hey Ya'll. Happy Wednesday!
Whether you are at work or at home I hope that you are having a glorious morning!
I have to admit that mine isn't too bad...mostly because Wednesdays are one of my off days (off from the office, not from working in the house bleh). I'm wondering right now how bad it would be to have a third cup of coffee...I could use it. Getting out of the bed was tough this morning. I had that urge just to snuggle under the covers ya know? I got up though. I made homemade pop-tarts for breakfast this morning, and they were a smash hit with the kiddos! Hooray! Believe me when I say that finding food that all three of them like isn't easy. Layla, my 5 year old, is super really really picky. So all in all I count this morning's breakfast a success!
I just love Wednesdays because I get to link-up with Michelle!
(If you haven't visited her blog then do so. She's awesome!)


That made me seriously cracked me up

Have a Happy  Hump Day!

Monday, March 18, 2013

5 For Five

Hello Monday.
Though I wasn't really excited about your coming, I am up and about in your rain and cloudiness.
Though I would rather be at home, in my jammies, reading a good book; I am at work & blessed to be so.
I have tried hard this past week to stay on top of my blog and be consistent with my posts and I think I did a decent job. I have to exclude the weekend, because weekends are usually just too busy for me to have time to sit at the computer. Anyways we are back on Monday and posting once more.

It's a new week and time to check out our goals from last week and set new ones for the week to come!
Last Week's Goals
1. Create menu for the coming week & get grocery list together
Success! I actually got to do this & made it to the grocery store!
2.Clean off the back porch
Nope, it still looks like a reject yard sale back there.
3.Work on creating a budget for my family
Sadly I was too busy with the crappy week I had last week to even think about budgeting.
4. Try to get brochures for the Power Up Rally created.
5. Finish substitute teacher training
Nope. Didn't get to this either. Wow, this is sad.
So apparently I didn't do that great. At least I got one thing on my list done. Maybe I'll have better luck this coming here goes.
This week's Goals
1. Create brochures for the Power Up Rally. (I seriously need to do this)
2. Drink more water this week (I never drink enough water)
3. Wash all the kids clothes, fold them, and put them up
4. Try again to clean off the back porch
5. Pick up dresser & wardrobe that was given to me
I hope you all have a great start to your week!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Its OK most of the time

Wow...Thursday. Thankfully so.
I just hope to see the end of this Thursday really really soon.
My morning didn't start off so great and the hits just keep coming.
So I'm ready for another day already.
Before I rush through this day, hoping nothing else irritating, discouraging, depressing, or aggravating happens I have a link-up!
(apparently today I really need this specific link-up)

Its Ok Thursdays
Its OK
...To be annoyed at certain people and wish to God they could deal with some of the crap that you deal with every day, then maybe you would be appreciated more.
...To want to call up another person and chew them out for making assumptions when they know less than crap about what they are freaking talking about.
...To wish people would find out facts first.
...That I want a third cup of coffee, and something to break (preferably something I wouldn't have to clean up afterwards)
...To wish the song "Take This Job and Shove It" was a reality instead of a lyric I keep humming to myself.
...That I'm on a bit of a tirade with my "Its Ok" items right now.
...That my nails look horrible. Who has time to worry about nails anymore? Not me.
...That I have to wait a whole nother week to find out what happens on The Vampire Diaries, Nashville, & Supernatural.
...That I'm not Ok, I'll be Ok soon. I promise.
I hope you all have a better Thursday Morning than I am having. If you think you want to share some Its Ok moments visit Neely's page & link-up.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

OHP & Things

I just want to say that I had a great Tuesday evening. My husband didn't have to work til after 9pm (which is abnormal), there were no obligations to be anywhere, and we were all here at the same time. I cooked my yummy spaghetti that my kids love (hubby isn't a big sketti fan), then we all piled outside for some daylight savings time fun!
*going off on rant* I happen to like Daylight Savings Time and wish they would just leave it on Daylight Savings Time for the whole year. What is the purpose of time going back in the fall? It just screws up our schedules and makes it dark by the time that working people get home. It's miserable! Keep Daylight Savings Time! *End Rant*
Okay so as I was saying...
Outside we played bad mitten for a bit. My son has begun to love it. We don't have a net, but who needs them? We call out of bounds when we can't reach the birdie and thats that. haha. After a few rounds of that we begun our gardening. You don't know how excited I was to start planting. I'll post some pictures of our two gardening plots later. We got our corn and potatoes planted last night. The only downfall to the evening was my poor baby Lauren is still sick. She's been in the bed mostly since last Thursday with the flu and I hate it. I'll be so glad when she's my silly, energy filled, Lauren Pooh again!
Now it's link-up time! Oh yes!


You don't know how much I want that coffee cup!

Kate Spade & Coach bags? YES PLEASE!!

I plan on doing both of these things at my house. Adorable.

I want to do all of this with my kids for Easter


This is so me. I have a problem, I'll admit.
If you want to get in on the OHP fun just hop on over to Michelle's page by clicking here

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In The Silence

"In the silence, in the stillness, I know that you are God"
As a child I was taught to follow the leadership of the Lord. I was taught that there would be times of rejoicing and blessing, mountain top times, if you will. I was taught that there would be times of testing, of trials, of being in a valley. In all times you must still believe and hold strong to your faith for God is always with you.
I still believe this to be true, however lately I've felt disconnected from my faith. Don't get me wrong, I did not say I have lost my faith or have given up on my faith. No, I said I've felt disconnected.
There is a difference.
In the last two years there have been a lot of changes in my family's life. We moved to my husband's hometown, my husband got a new job, we started pastoring a church. All of those things sound positive right?
The new town meant a new school for my kids and they love their school. I know more parents, kids, and teachers at this school than I ever did in their old one. The community is ver close, we have great neighbors, and my kids have great friends. We love living in Bristol. There isn't anything I would change there (other than the drive to my job).
The new job for my husband was great, because it's what he's always wanted to do. However, that job came with a significant pay cut for us. It came with shift work and lots of nights spent away from home. It came with time away from our new church and less quality time with family and friends.
It seems that for every "good" thing we were blessed with, three things went wrong. Lonliness was something I was growing accostumed to feeling. Discouragement was an emotion that swallowed me whole every time I thought about how our lives were shaping up. I remember telling my husband that I felt as if God moved us away from the spiritual move that we had been praying for and stuck us in a dry place away from him and any support. Though I pray and ask for answers and guidance, I hear silence. I wonder if God is listening to me? Is it something that I've done? Is there something I need to change in myself for things to progress and for us to move out of the doldrums we've been stuck in for so long? Is it so bad to want to be in the middle of what God is doing? If so, then why is my family alone and struggling with every aspect of our lives?
"In the chaos, in confusion I know you're soverign still"
"In the moment of my weakness you give me grace to do your will"
I don't have any answers from God yet, and though I don't understand why he is silent, I know he hasn't abandoned me. I am not sure why my family is going through these things, or why is seems that we have been secluded and our cries for help ignored. I do however, have to believe that there is a reason. I don't understand God's ways, and I never will. I may not ever know the reason why we are facing these things, but I do know that one day, whether it be a week or a year from now, things will get better. They have to. He promised he wouldn't leave me nor forsake me. I have to hold to that. Though I may feel disconnected from my faith, I have not lost it. I have not let it go. Through the silence, though my tears fall like rain, and my questions remain unanswered, he is my rock. Though I feel alone, I remember that I am not by myself.
I don't know why I am posting this. Even now I am thinking that there are some people I would rather not know about my personal battles and insecurities where my significance in Christ is concerned. However, maybe there is someone else besides me who feels small and inconsequential right now. If you are that person, please know that though we may feel small, we have been made more than conquerors. In this silence we will learn to trust him more. In the secret of his presence we are restored. There is more to this life and God will once again let his spirit flow through us and around us...but I must hold on.

Monday, March 11, 2013

5 For Five

Hello again blogging world. It's the prodigal blogger, returning once again. Though it may take me a while to get back into the smooth groove of things, I vow to persist until I once again run my blog like a well-oiled machine!
I do apologize to my followers for being so absent as of late. I enjoy blogging, but when I've been at work time hasn't been on my side. When I've been home I haven't even bothered opening my laptop. I've been playing catch-up on many many things as well as tending to my family. I am working on being more consistent with certain things in my life and I've added my blog to that list.
The last few weeks I've realized something. I've let the madness of life sweep me away until I've let so many things go that I should've paid more attention to. Like my finances, for instance, or my family's health & nutrition.
I started a weekly menu that includes what we are  having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that I can easily prepare healthy lunches for my kids to take to school. I've had to discipline myself to get up in the morning and get busy instead of finding myself in a chair, in front of the news, with a cup of coffee in my hand. That part hasn't been too easy, because I do like relaxing mornings. However, if things are going to run smoothly I have to make sacrifices.
I also am fixing to try out a family budget for our finances. We need to try to cut down on spending so that we can possibly save a little bit, or at least not be broke from one paycheck to the next. If anyone has advice on budgeting, or what has worked for your family please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Today is a bit worrisome seeing as my daughter, Lauren, has been sick since Thursday. I am waiting right now for the doctor's office to open so that I can call them, but pray if you will for my little girl. As a mom the one thing you hate to see is one of your babies not feeling well. Especially when they are extrememly lethargic, sleeping most of the days & nights, and not eating when all of that is completely abnormal for them.
I wanted to start this week off by setting a few goals for myself so I decided to link up once again with Jen from Party of One

1. Creat menu for the coming week & get grocery list together
2. Clean off the backporch so it doesn't look like a reject yard-sale back there (way too much extra furniture out there lol)
3. Work on creating a budget for my family
4. Try to get brochurs for the Power Up Rally created
5. Finishing substitute teaching training online
I hope your week is amazing, and that you accomplish everything you set your mind to. Have a blessed week and an amazing Monday.