I've been pretty absent from my blog lately. It has seemed that the only times I have posted anything was simply to say "I've been gone and I'm sorry". That is kind of the case today. However, I am also filling you guys in on what's been going on in my life.
The weekdays have been pretty busy. Our church was able to get involved in the Farm Share program. Farm Share delivers fresh produce and things in bulk to a location where churches and organizations are able to pick it up and distribute it to those who need it. It's a great ministry tool and I was really glad to be able to take part in it this month. I'm hoping we get to continue with this, because I know it was a blessing to some families.
We have also been changing things around regarding services and such. Thursday nights is now a bible study for the adults and a youth service for the young ones. I have taken over the youth and I have to admit I'm a bit intimidated by the prospect. I have always loved working with young people. However, I have never had to be a leader/teacher all by myself and it scares me. I feel completely inadequate for the job, but I am praying that the Lord helps me. I am definitely out of my comfort zone, even though we only have a few kids (my 3 included) in there. I am great behind a piano where all I have to do is sing haha. That is my comfort zone, my box, and stepping out of that is extremely hard. Sunday mornings though I get to re-enter my comfort zone so I guess that's good.
(Though I pray that the Lord will send more singers/musicians soon)
Our little church also had a tiny make-over recently. I wish I had a before picture to post on here, but alas I don't have one. It was previously white (paint was chipping and peeling really badly) with a crayon green trim (no I did not pick out those colors. They were there when we began pastoring lol). Now these colors I did pick out and I have to say I'm in love with them!
It looks great right? Yes, I think so as well.
The other thing that has been weighing in on our lives in a big way is the fact that tomorrow is my last day on my job. At the beginning of the month I was told that I was being "let go". It didn't really come as a shock, as for the reason to that well...you would just have to meet my employers. Anywho I believe in timing and the Lord's plan even though I don't understand it a lot of times. I know that things are changing for a reason and I also know that God has never left the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread (Psalms 37:25). Therefore, he will provide. I have heard all my life that where God closes a door he opens a window...my open window is coming. This is the first time in recorded history that both my husband and I will have the summer off. It's great timing seeing as there are things we have been wanting to implement at the church and as of yet haven't had time to do any of it. I am praying that the Lord will send increase and lead us in the path he would have us to go. I just want to be willing to follow. I have this tendency to be scared of taking another step into deeper water. You remember that comfort zone I was telling you about earlier? Yeah I definitely have a hard time stepping out into something different...especially alone. I've always had my family with me or at least my sister (love you boo), but God has moved us in different directions and I'm having to put on my big girl panties. So pray with me that my husband and I will be able to find our big girl/boy panties/underwear and do just what God has called us to do.
I hope you all have a blessed Monday and I hope to be back on here soon...posting like I should haha