Thursday, April 4, 2013

Oh the ramblings

Today I honestly don't feel as if I have much to write about.
I did start a project yesterday that, if all goes well, I will share with you guys soon.
Today I feel a bit strange...but it's been that way for the last few days. Almost as I'm waiting for something to happen. I have felt this way in my spiritual life for a while and lately it's even more so. I feel as if we are on the brink of something happening and I'm going to be optimistic and say it's something great...something amazing...something glorious!
Did I ever mention that my dog, Patches, had a litter of 8 puppies? Yes 8! Ahhh though they are cute I want NO MORE puppies. They are lots of drama, lemme tell you. With all the rain we've had to move them to our carport and the first time Patches decided that they were too exposed so she moved them way back into some bushes/trees. Well guess rained again. So I had to get my kids to crawl into the hole and pile the wet wiggling puppies into a box and carry them back to the carport. I made a makeshift little cubby hole for them so maybe she will keep them there. You guys ready to see some cute and fuzzy??
Super cute right? The white one in the middle who's face you can see was named Hedwig, because she is pure white. Yeah my kids love the HP books and movies too.
Anywho I hope you all have a great Thursday.

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