Thursday, September 27, 2012

Its OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays
Once again it's Thursday and it's been a week full of "its ok" moments. I'm not really going to its ok those things though, mostly because I want to get past them. I'm sure we've all had those moments. I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
Its totally OK....
* That its officially fall and I woke up to 74 degrees and muggy, foggy, mist outside ( no really, it's not ok ugghh)
* That my best friend Michelle got me hooked on One More Night by Maroon 5 and it's been stuck in my head. I've literally been singing it for 2 days now!
* That I changed my fall table setting like TEN TIMES because I wasn't satisfied with it...guess what...I'm still not
* That I have a retarted dog who eats the seat out of my wicker rocking chair (that used to be my husband's grandfather's) while she sits in it....really?!!
* To be irritated that stores are already stocking the shelves with Christmas items (Walmart already has Christmas trees up). Seriously? Can we at least get past Halloween or into October first?! Next year they will be putting them up during Easter...gah
* Not to understand people at all sometimes. I seriously have those that are just plain head scratchers...some are related to me
* That at 28 years old, after 12 years of marriage, and 3 kids later, that I still have no idea what I want to do career wise. Since being a horse trainer or interior decorator is out of the question...I'm just clueless.
Have a happy Thursday!!!
(If you want to join in just click the button and link up!!)


  1. You're welcome!! LoL I have been singing it since Monday and pretending Adam Levine is my boyfriend, hahaha! <3 you and I wish we could get paid to shop all day!!! That'd be awesome.

    1. OMG you are hilarious! I think that song is the best one he's come out with in a while, it's just so addictive!! I <3 you too!

  2. Umm... you could so be an Interior Decorator! You have done how many people's homes now? How many people call you and ask for you opinion or tell you to just come over and help them? (I'm one of them! lol)! And I totally agree with you on those people you just don't understand... I'm still trying to figure some out that I'm pretty sure is a waste of my time!
