Friday, September 21, 2012

Mom Overload

Can I just take a  moment and Can my list of things to do get any longer, my time any shorter, and my financial resources any more scarce?! Yes I know, lots of people get stressed. However, lately I feel as if I'm in the stressed-out pool right by myself. I know that this is entirely untrue, because there are many other mothers out there who work a full time job. You women know how it is to try and balance a full time job with kids and a house that CONSTANTLY needs cleaning...right?

I am a mother of three children, agest 11, 9, and 5. All three of them have their own afterschool activities that they participate in. My  husband works the night shift (he is a deputy at the local Sheriff's Department), so most of the to-do's fall to me. I'm not complaining...oh no...I'm just stating that sometimes I just freak out like this morning...well and last night but who's counting? My husband and I also pastor a church in the next county over. That is where I teach a sunday school class and lead worship service. I work full time at a job that is an hour away. I have 2 horses, 1 cat, 2 dogs, and 7 puppies by one of those dogs...almost forgot about Lola, my daughter's house trained rabbit. I have been riding in a mounted drill team on Saturdays (though lately my schedule hasn't allowed for me to practice much). Needless to say, my life is busy.

I love organization in my home, however, over the last...oh...for a while now I've been so busy that my house looks like a zoo. If you enjoy a clean house then you will understand how this can make a woman crazy. I'm thinking that there is no way I'm the only one having a mental break down right now because my to-do list is way out of hand. So...I went in search of help and ladies I have found the answer!

Brilliant right?! Haha NO, but sometimes we do feel as though this is the only way to get a moments break. I just wanted to take a moment to let those others that are stressed out today, that you aren't the only one. I know because sometimes I feel that way then I speak with someone else who is going through some of the same things I am. No we are not alone. Not only do we have each other but we have God to lean on. Deuteronomy 31:8 And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

what I needed today was a bit of comic relief to help me through this trying day and weekend. I hope that maybe by sharing my Stree Relief Kit that you will be able to smile today as well.


  1. <3 the stress relief kit, I need to pick one up haha!!!

  2. BAHAHAH! This totally made me LOL! Let me know how that Stress Reduction kit hurts..I mean helps! ;)

  3. I know the feeling. I have three under 6 and work so things get crazy here too. Oh well, just happy to have a big family that loves me. Even if things are a little less than perfect sometimes. That's the best we can do!

  4. I tagged you in the Versatile Blogger tag on my page :) Can't wait to read. <3 ya
