Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's Fancies - Sweater Season

I would first like to start this off by saying that if I were ever turned into a vampire, I would want both Salvatore brothers teaching me how to cope.
I mean look at them...and they are amazing. Of course I am a Damon fan, I am just a sucker for a tortured soul and unrequieted love, though I think Ehlena is an idiot...and the love isn't really unrequited as much as ignored. So if you don't get it by now, The Vampire Diaries is one of my favorite shows and I'm on a kick because I watched last nights episode this morning before heading
off to work lol. Yes, I love it that much.
okay so now onto what I enjoy doing on Friday. Friday's Fancies! This week was all about sweaters and seeing as it's actually cool in the mornings and evenings here now I am in the mood for sweaters. I love it because there are so many sweater options, anything from cardigans to hoodies. These three are my favorites because they can be dressed up or down and they look so warm and comfy.  
Sweater Season


What are your favorite types of sweaters?
I hope you all have a wonderul Friday and an awesome weekend!
If you want to join in on the Friday's Fancies fun just click here and link up with {av}

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