Thursday, December 20, 2012

Its Ok...

I feel like its been forever since I've actually been able to post. Yes, I posted a quick thing yesterday, but I was rushed and I hate that. I have missed my weekly link-ups so much! I love being able to link-up with other people and read what they have posted and look at all the amazing pins from the OHP day. Things in my life have been so crazy busy this last week that half the time I don't know if I'm coming or going. Today is no different. The company I work for is having a Christmas party/training today and I'm here to help host. I know what you are thinkin...why are you online posting if you are "helping host". The answer is simple...there is nothing to do right now and I desperately wanted to get on and join my fav link-up!

Its Ok Thursdays

Its Ok
...that I have eaten my weight in junk food/candy this last week (ok not really my weight, but a lot, you get the picture) want to eat more junk food because my mother in law made my fav...Martha Washingtons..god they are fabulous!
...That my eyes decide to water twenty minutes after I apply my fabulous gel eyeliner (that I don't usually wear) so it messes up absolutely love Caroline Forbes makeup and hair (from The Vampire Diaries)
...that I haven't gotten the chance to go ride my horses in weeks. Its awful and I hate it but I haven't been able to do anything about it.
...that this week has been the longest week in the history of long weeks. It can end any day now...seriously
...that I have to go cuz my boss is here...yep
Have a great Thursday everyone! 


  1. I started watching Vampire Diaries a few days ago..INTENSE...and addicting!!

    1. It is very addicting and it gets so much better! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Caroline looked so beautiful in the last episode. I loved the pleated dress she had on. Seriously I have been eating my face off...we made some awesome Soft pretzels and they were so good I seriously could have eaten 10...but I stopped at 2.

  3. hey, it's TOTALLY okay to splurge on the sweets this time of year :) glad I found your blog from the link up! Excited to be following along! by the way, I hate when make up decides it's against you on the day you actually decide you WANT to wear it - ugh!
